Life sucks when am picking the right shoes but at the wrong times of others one.

Everything is Fair in love and war

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Last nite fun with Reena

A known person, not very closest one in my friend.. Just a friend., whom i knew through my professional course.

I was just playing with her through sms and phone.

It was went till night 1.00 am.

She said,"some guys proposed her" But i said, "they dont have eyes, cos they proposed an ugly girl.." for kidding i said her.

Then the chat went through some kind of fun..  wantedly i said "now am gonna propose you"

She said, "hey. dont joke, i know you wont propose"

But from childhood, am the character, if someone says you cant... then i say... i can...

Hence i said her "I love you" its for fun, but not reality.

She then came and said "sama comedy panara nee, cos she doesnt believe my words and she well knew am jus kidding her, cos i cant love any other after my ex-lover whom i missed it"

The fun was went through night and she confused n make fun out of me.

It was really nice.

But i worried few times, whether i said anything wrong...

But she taken as sportive and fun..

Nice of her that time..

But she is angry girl.

Due to that conversation, i slept late night..

Hence now am feeling sleepy in evening itself.



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